It all started 4 days ago when I went to a site I was told might be able to help me by a friend who ran across the sight while surfing the web. It simply said and I quote!
"Our Email Blaster is The Best Bulk Email Advertising and Opt-In Mass Email Service Ever!"
Email advertising and email marketing allows you to send bulk emails to 2.5 million opt-in people who want to learn about your website and its products and services!
No software to download, no specific expertise required. All from our bulk email servers!
Put your website promotion on autopilot!
"Get massive exposure with instant results!
Explode your sales by 1200% over night! NO TROUBLE FROM YOUR ISP! 100% SPAM FREE!
Our opt-in email safe list is 100% opt in and 100% legal to use.
Your ad will reach only those prospects who have requested to be included in our safe list for people interested in receiving emails regarding new business opportunities, products and services.
This is the MOST EFFECTIVE Targeted Opt-In Email Advertising using The Worlds Most Astonishing 'SET and FORGET' technology.
Type Your Ad on your BROWSER and click SEND!"
End Quote!
So I was like a fish on the line!
I tried to call for a few days and could not get a live person on the line to save my life! I did have a box called live support come up and I wrote in there asking why no one ever answered the phone$%: The person I had spoken with was very polite until I asked them something unexpected! At this point they immediately said I will get someone else for you. Then that person came on the line. Let's call them "frEDDIE!
I asked them the same thing and they quickly said they were short handed and unable to handle the phones. They also said they were having some problems and was getting them fixed right away! They said this was their first concern. I thought this was cool to take care of the sight first. Until!!
You hear the music! "DUN! DUN! DUN!" They got me!
I had them call me when they could and they did. Not on time in fact they were 2 hours late. But to be fair they did call me back. I was in a meeting so they called back again. I asked question after question and even told them I was taping the conversation and this person we are calling "frEDDIE! was repeatedly asked to repeat what he was saying and he did.
I still find it hard to believe but this "frEDDIE! sat there and lied his but off to me. I mean blatantly lied to me!!!!!!!!!! He told me that the system they had for ads to be placed on free classifieds in over 1500 free listings was wrong for me when I asked them if it was the same as searching the web and coming up with the top ten websites for the same thing about the ads$%: I said because I am in the Top 10 on a lot of search engines. So I would be competing against myself! Right$%: And the person we are calling frEDDIE! Said I would be better off just going with the Email Blaster instead.
frEDDIE! Said if I went with this Email Blaster instead I would be able to send mails too 2.5 million people from lists they have for us to use by just clicking the button 1 time. He said it was super easy and anyone could do it. frEDDIE told me they were changed every couple days and that if I waited 4 days it would be changed completely and the new email addresses added to the list would make it this fresh new list.
frEDDIE then said this was all to be included in the $24.99 price that would be paid each month. frEDDIE said I would be happy with it and it was simple. Nothing else to do and would be sending emails right away from their lists for this low price of just the monthly $24.99.
This is GREAT! So I thought!!!
So I signed up and found this not to be true. The lists of emails to send your ads to were not included in the price and in fact you had to purchase them by the thousands. VERY expensive by the time you would be sending even to .5 million let a lone 2.5 million people. I searched and searched to see if this was true$%: And it was. WOW! I was shocked. I then tried to get a hold of anyone and no one was available. I sent emails and left messages. I did this again. For a day and a :%$frac12; I did this and no response. Then finally got a response and they said this!
"Sorry I can not provide a refund since you have prepaid for one month.
It does stat in our terms and conditions that you agreed too before purchasing that there are no refunds when you prepay for one month.
Best Regards,
We will change the name to frEDDIE!
I could not believe my eyes! Here was this sweet nice person whom just a day and :%$frac12; before had sweet talked me into trying this no risk wonderful Email advertising for email marketing that allows you to send bulk emails to 2.5 million opt-in people who want to learn about your website and its products and services and No software to download, no specific expertise required. All from our bulk email servers! And I could put your website promotion on autopilot! And submit my ads from my very own browser! Telling me I was just screwed in a very polite way I might ad!
Needless to say I was furious. I sent letters to the NEW YORK attorney Generals office about this email scam in Stanton Island New York! I then sent a letter to the Attorney Generals office in Minnesota so they too could investigate. I even intend on sending them to all who will listen and the FBI along with Google and MSN and yahoo and any other search engine that will listen. Right to each of there headquarters.
I will write articles all over the web to make sure this does not keep happening to all the unsuspecting people struggling to get a business off the ground and hopefully stop the lies and the cheating thief's from getting any more unsuspecting peoples hard earned money like some common internet thug.
So in the future when you see any email sites that sound to good to be true with ads such as
"Our Email Blaster is The Best Bulk Email Advertising and Opt-In Mass Email Service Ever!"
Because I care about the small and large business man or woman out there.
I guess you live and learn. I am sure taking my lumps.