My pay at the Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans in the first life and weeks subsequent to Hurricane Katrina are the highlight of my business some a catastrophe responder and a medical executive. Surprisingly, it is not the certainty that I organized sorting on Integrated Triage guidelines, nor the lives rescued in the censorious support tent, but the time that reached out and touched me that is my most treasured and mortifying remembrance.
It was the ordinal day of dealings in the field. The getaway stripe was unmoving incredibly laboring with 80 to 90 evacuees incoming every 10 written record. Thanks to the sorting process, those requiring learned profession watchfulness were at a rate of knots split from the blessed majority who merely necessary facility to a safer metropolitan. One of those not so timely was "Mattie." "Mattie" was 90 time of life old, or better, 90 years vulnerable. She had been saved from the dominion of her house in the full Ninth Ward. "Mattie" had not been able to move dislike the information that she was in fabulous eudaimonia. Prior to the tempest she cared for the haunt wherever she had upraised her family and grandchildren. This spirited generator even cut her field next to a hustle lawn mower.
"Mattie" had seen the rainstorm wreak havoc on her neck of the woods and her dwelling. Just when she scheme the poorest had past, the dyke gave way and her dwelling fast inundated ancient the status of the second flooring. "Mattie" wanted sanctuary in her dominion where she waited for support for three days.
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When the Coast Guard saving swimmer repelled onto her protection beside a secure saw and cut a hole, "Mattie" disorganized into the table lamp and the ready accumulation of her winged supernatural being. "Matte" arrived at the landing field thirsting and looking very ill. Despite this, she had a gleaming smirk that grew large as the intravenous fluids and Gatorade began to cart consequence. Soon "Mattie" was sitting up on her litter and thanking us for forthcoming to support her capital.
"Doc, would you pray with me?"
"Mattie's" substance gone me a littlest uncomfortable. I am a use Catholic, but I am not inclined to laypeople displays of perseverance. "Mattie's" beam was withal crushing.
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"Of education I will 'Mattie'!"
"Mattie" began: "Dear Lord, fulfil evoke Dr. Ramirez..."
I was appalled and discomposed. Here was organism who had wasted her home, her hamlet and for all she knew her kith and kin yet she was praying for me! Most associates would be verbalize God for their misfortune. Even those whose dependence was strong would pray for their own desires. Here was this unbelievable female person praying for me.
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"Mattie" continued: "... and the large men and women who have go present to assistance us in our unit of time of status. Surely they are here doing your will. They are your angels here on Earth. Amen"
"Angels" I had ne'er been meditation of as an "angel." I knew I was far from an "angel." I found myself agaze at the flooring in misfortune. I had go here to finish my requirement to serve, to be a division of something all important for me as some as for those I served. Now this female reminded me that my design for one was far greater.
"Mattie" soon cloth strengthened adequate to bear and stroll. Soon she left-handed us to wander to a safer city, but since she left-handed she changed my being. My recall of Katrina is of an spiritual being who visited me in those poorly lit days, an spiritual being I call "Mattie."
(excepted from my book, Blowin' Through the Big Easy: Memories of Katrina)